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Bible Witness Kids Logo
Bible Witness Kids (BW Kids) is the children’s video programme available on Bible Witness TV (BWTV). Each week’s programme consists of singspiration, a Bible lesson, a memory verse, and a lesson activity.

The Bible lessons are taught by the preachers of Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church, as well as students and teachers from sister churches and Far Eastern Bible College.

We pray that BW Kids will help your children to understand and know more about God and the Christian faith.

This Week's Video

King Rehoboam and the Levite-Refugees

Why did the Levites travel from Israel to Judah? Today, learn from an incident during the reign of King Rehoboam with Pr Cornelius Koshy.
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Latest Episodes

Catch up on the latest episodes of BW Kids.

King Rehoboam and the Levite-Refugees

King Rehoboam and the Levite-Refugees

Why did the Levites travel from Israel to Judah? Today, learn from an incident during the reign of King Rehoboam with Pr Cornelius Koshy.
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Jeroboam’s Dried Hand & the Prophet from Judah

Jeroboam’s Dried Hand & the Prophet from Judah

In this lesson, we'll learn about an incident in the life of Jeroboam. Learn with Pr Cornelius Koshy about the dried hand of Jeroboam.
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Jeroboam and the Golden Calves

Jeroboam and the Golden Calves

In this lesson, we'll learn about the first king of the northern kingdom, Israel. Learn with Preacher Kelvin Lim on Jeroboam and his life.
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Rehoboam Forsakes Wise Counsel

Rehoboam Forsakes Wise Counsel

In this lesson, learn with Pr Cornelius on the foolishness of King Rehoboam, who listened to the counsel of his friends instead of wise old men who served his father, King Solomon.
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Wisdom from Proverbs—The Leech

Wisdom from Proverbs—The Leech

Today, we continue our series on "Wisdom from Proverbs". We'll learn about the horseleech. Listen now to Pastor Prabhudas Koshy.
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Wisdom from Proverbs—The Lion

Wisdom from Proverbs—The Lion

We continue studying from the book of Proverbs. We have looked at some of the small animals in the book of Proverbs. Now, we will look at the larger animals, and we will study about the lion. Listen now to Pastor Prabhudas Koshy.
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Fishers of Men

Fishers of Men

Today, join Pastor Koshy as he teaches us about being "fishers of men".
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Wisdom from Proverbs—The Spider

Wisdom from Proverbs—The Spider

We continue studying from the book of Proverbs. Today, we will look at the spider. What can we learn about the spider, which is said to take hold with her hands and is found in the king's palaces? Listen now to Pastor Prabhudas Koshy.
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On-Demand Programmes

Some of our Bible Witness Kids (BW Kids) programmes are available on-demand! Watch some lessons, singspiration videos, arts and crafts videos, and play some games!
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Bible Witness TV

Bible Witness TV is a programme of Bible Witness Media Ministry (BWMM), a ministry of Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church, Singapore.

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Address: 33 Ubi Crescent, Singapore 408584
Telephone: +65 6741 1910