Learn two songs written by Fanny Crosby in this video. The songs are "God of Our Strength", and "Awake! for the Trumpet is Sounding".
Learn two songs written by Fanny Crosby in this video. The songs are "God of Our Strength", and "Awake! for the Trumpet is Sounding".
In this video, learn two songs written by Fanny J. Crosby. The first song is "He Saves Me Through and Through", which teaches us about the salvation that God gives us. The second song is "Blessed Homeland", which reminds us of our home in heaven.
In this video, learn two songs by Fanny J. Crosby on God's presence with His children. The songs are "Never Be Afraid" and "Hide Thou Me".
In this video, learn two songs written by Fanny Crosby on the Word of God—"O Wonderful Word" and "Unsearchable Riches".
Memorize the books of the Bible with this song! Learn all 66 books of the Bible in order with this song.
Learn how to sing some songs about the importance of evangelism! Songs in this video include "I Can Be A Little Missionary", "G-O-S-P-E-L", "Good News", and "Are You Washed in the Blood?".
Sing along with us in this video. The songs we'll sing include: "God is Watching Over You", "Never Fear, He is Near", "God Will Take Care of You", Psalm 91:1–2, "Under His Wings", and "God Is Always Near Me".
Sing along with us in this video. The hymns we'll sing include: "Why Do I Sing About Jesus?", "Jesus Loves the Little Children", "Jesus Loves Even Me", "The Love of God", and "Have I Done My Best for Jesus?"
In this video, learn how to sing two different Scripture passages. Learn how to sing a tune to Psalm 19:7–9 and Romans 8:28.